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Heel Pain That Burns Or Is Stabbing

There are many symptoms of heel pain, from burning to stabbing and throbbing. Often times, patients will relate feeling as though their heel is bruised or like they have stepped on a stone. Many of these symptoms can be related to plantar fasciitis but it is important to rule out other causes as well. Things that can mimic plantar fasciitis include: nerve entrapments, bursal sacs, stress fractures and coalitions. That is why the Washington Heel Pain Center specializes in treating heel pain, to help patients determine the cause.

We see a lot of patients that have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis when in fact it is something else entirely. If you have resolving heel pain, had physical therapy, cortisone injections or other treatment options and are not getting better you need to see one of the physicians at the Washington Heel Pain Center. We have patients from all over the Northwest, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and of course Washington State schedule appointments with us. We are the number one referral source for heel pain and specialize in fixing it permanently. If you have done everything that your doctor has recommended and are still having pain, come see us we will stop that heel pain once and for all. Make an appointment online or give us a call at 425-880-9552.